Fun In The Sun! by Jeanne Jachna

Fun In The Sun! by Jeanne Jachna

If your mind’s been wandering a bit lately, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone.  This time of year I find myself thinking of warmer days and a summer get away.   I’m ok with a trip to the beach or a staycation in my backyard.. just bring on the sunshine, a little music and the good vibes! 



The Simple Stories Sunkissed Collection totally satisfies!  You’ll love the bright colors and fun images that capture perfect summer days. 



Summer loves like fresh florals and juicy fruits at the peak of freshness have me dreaming of my garden and watching the bees travel from flower to flower. 



Seagulls, shades and buckets for sandcastles make me remember days at the beach watching my kids play, and watching crabs dart about at low tide. 



A Ferris wheel, pinwheels and iced pops have me thinking of the annual summer town and church festivals that bring us together as a community.  I can almost smell the popcorn in the air!



Don’t forget the lemonade stands on the corners!  And if you can’t find one there.. I’m sure that your favorite drive up will have added it to the menu as a Summer Favorite. 



I’m smitten with the giant blow floats I see at the pool store.  They always have them put on display outside and I joke about brining one home even though we don’t have a pool.    



What I’m trying to explain is that this collection has it all!  I mean every little detail that make your memories come to life.



This collection is ideal for documenting your perfect Summer Days, or for card makes like mine, to send smiles to friends with Summer Birthdays or just to send a sunny hello across the miles.

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